Sabato 4 giugno si apre la stagione estiva 2011 dell'Idroscalo.
Per celebrare l'evento, la Provincia di Milano ha organizzato una straordinaria giornata fitta di eventi e iniziative.
Si comincia al mattino, a partire dalle ore 10.00, con l'esibizione dei cani poliziotto delle unità cinofile della Polizia Locale del Comune di Milano. I nostri amici a quattro zampe daranno dimostrazione di tutta la loro abilità al servizio della cittadinanza.
Nel primo pomeriggio, a partire dalle ore 15.00 fino alle 19.00 ca. "Open Day Sport", dimostrazione e prove gratutite di numerose discipline sportive lungo tutto il bacino.
Sempre nel pomeriggio alle ore 16.00, lungo la sponda ovest spettacolari esibizioni di falchi e falconieri.
A partire dalle ore 17.00, spazio alla grande musica con la "Chicago Jazz Parade" coinvolgente e divertentissimo concerto itinerante di musica Jazz sulla riviera del lago.
Con l'arrivo della sera la giornata entra nel vivo, con il concerto della "Tequila Band" a partire dalle 20.30 sul palco acquatico delle Tribune.
Gran finale, dalle ore 23.00 con il mitico spettacolo dei fuochi d'artificio. Veri e propri fiori di fuoco sull'acqua a tempo di musica.
Per info http://www.idroscalo.info/
Saturday, June 4 opens the summer season 2011 Idroscalo.
To celebrate the event, the Province of Milan has organized a special day full of events and initiatives.
It begins in the morning, starting at 10.00, with the performance of the police dogs of the canine units of the Local Police of the City of Milan. Our four-legged friends will demonstrate all their skills at the service of citizenship.
In the early afternoon, starting from 15.00 to 19.00 approx. "Open Day Sport" seeker free demonstration and testing of many sports throughout the basin.
Also in the afternoon at 16.00, on the west bank of spectacular displays of falcons and falconers.
Starting from 17.00, to the great space music with the "Chicago Jazz Parade" engaging and fun touring concert of music Jazz on the Lake.
With the arrival of the evening the day in full swing, with a concert by the "Tequila Band" from 20:30 on the stage of the Water Tribune.
The grand finale, from 23.00 with the great spectacle of fireworks. Real fire flowers on the water in time to music.
Saturday, June 4 opens the summer season 2011 Idroscalo.
To celebrate the event, the Province of Milan has organized a special day full of events and initiatives.
It begins in the morning, starting at 10.00, with the performance of the police dogs of the canine units of the Local Police of the City of Milan. Our four-legged friends will demonstrate all their skills at the service of citizenship.
In the early afternoon, starting from 15.00 to 19.00 approx. "Open Day Sport" seeker free demonstration and testing of many sports throughout the basin.
Also in the afternoon at 16.00, on the west bank of spectacular displays of falcons and falconers.
Starting from 17.00, to the great space music with the "Chicago Jazz Parade" engaging and fun touring concert of music Jazz on the Lake.
With the arrival of the evening the day in full swing, with a concert by the "Tequila Band" from 20:30 on the stage of the Water Tribune.
The grand finale, from 23.00 with the great spectacle of fireworks. Real fire flowers on the water in time to music.
For info http://www.idroscalo.info/
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